Laos Dam Investment Monitor (LDIM) is the network of people/citizen who is interested in the issue of hydropower dam and Lao PDR. The network was established on the 28th July 2018, five days after the incident of the Xe Pian-XeNamnoy Dam collapse in Lao PDR. The network of activists and individual from different background ranging from local community people, students, academia and the activist of all issues are mostly base themselves in the countries with the actors that are involved with the hydropower business in Laos. LDIM’s associate members also come from countries with the large-scale hydropower dam and they recognize well for the impacts of the dam.
Flood ฺbeyond natureFlood ฺbeyond nature: Dams waters, rights, responsibility, and future together น้ำเขื่อนท่วมน้ำโขง: สิทธิ ความรับผิดชอบ และอนาคตร่วมกัน
โพสต์โดย Laos Dam Investment Monitor - LDIM เมื่อ วันอังคารที่ 2 ตุลาคม 2018
LDIM understand that in Laos PDR, the Mekong mainstream and her enormous tributaries are mostly full of hydropower dam projects and plans. LDIM members are interested in gaining the understanding of the issues in relating to the investment and investors on Laos dams, their ideology, and their operation. The actors we are studying about are including different actors including private companies, commercial banks, and the government of the countries that provide support to the projects. LDIM interest is also cover the regional and national energy plans, and the operation of the energy authorities in Laos and in the region.
LDIM commit to playing the role of the study, analyze, and advocacy network and hope to keep inviting more people to join. We hope that our work will be able to gain more open discussion that base on the facts from the groups with knowledge from a different level and disciplinary. By listening to the voice of the people on the ground, reflections from the public, we also hope that the investors and actors involved in the Laos Dam business will pay more attention to this business that very much relates to the people’ livelhood, rivers, natural resource that, even locate within one country such as Laos, but the impacts will link directly to other countries and the resources that shared by many more.
Project SEVANA’s coordinator is the coordinator of LDIM. LDIM is now working closely also with the alliance task force in Korea, namely the Coordinated Response Team of the Korean Civil Societies for the Xe Pian-Xe Nam Noy Dam Collapse (Korea Task Force).